Please Please Please


I felt so many people's pain last night as I tried to sleep. Please continue to pray for all of the families that were affected by the bus crash in Chattanooga. I can't even begin to imagine life without my children. Not only continue to pray for them but all of those who have lost loved ones this year. The Holiday season can be extremely painful for those whose lives have been altered forever by the loss of a loved one. Don't let people around you fall victim to suicide surround them with love. Get outta your box and be a difference maker. We need each other. The loss of a loved one especially a child is devastating. Come on please let's put away our differences and focus on our similarities. Everyone needs love! Everyone hurts when they lose someone dear to them! Every family affected by loss this year didn't just lose a loved one to death. Some got divorced this year, some lost their dream home this year, some lost jobs. Please be kind to one another. And remember His Voice Is Still Love


Singing A New Song


Chronic Physical Pain