Give Thanks


We’ve made it to day 6!

Allow me a moment to be transparent. This blog was placed on my heart by God to be a blessing to those who meet me here and for years I have struggled with wondering if I write it will someone actually read it. See it’s not just you that wonders if you are truly capable of carrying out the assignment that God has given you. We all struggle with something. Now back to the business at hand!

Today we give thanks for the spirit of diligence. You are truly amazing! The scripture God placed on my heart for us to study today is 1 Thessalonians 5 read the whole chapter. But focus on verse 18. Ask yourself these questions

1) Do I give thanks for everything daily? Or do I take most things for granted?

2) Does my prayer life need more diligence?

3) Do I see the blessings in most scenarios or, do I complain complain complain?

4) This week I have taken time to pray and study as well as look at myself.

Did I find out anything new about myself?

If so, what was that?

Is the new information something I need to change about myself?

Or is the new information a positive quality I never realized about myself?

5) How often will I implement this type of introspective prayer journey into my alone time with God?

It’s really a good thing to take the time to examine ourselves. Living in obedience to God means we die daily in sinful ways. Many of us struggle with little things that we often don’t realize are adding up to be a heart change and since God looks at our heart and not our outward appearance guess what? Yea you guessed it a subtle change in our heart can be an open doorway to finding ourselves outside the will of our Heavenly Father. How can we hear Him speak if we wander away slowly little bit by little bit?

1 Thessalonians 5:18 In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.


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