No More


I cannot be the only mother who cringes each time the news comes on. We carry our babies and think long and hard day in and day out about how to be everything this little baby or these little babies are going to need. We want the right crib the right socks the right diapers the right baby wash. We primp and prep and daydream and prepare and never once do we imagine that this life we are preparing to bring into this world is going to be abruptly ended because we live in the most barbaric society that claims to be civilized. My dreams and plans for my babies never once included having to prepare my child for a war zone called school or heck the average US neighborhood. We think he or she will grow up attending school graduate attend college or join the military, perhaps even create some new technology or develop a cure for cancer. Maybe he or she will be an actor or actress or famous architect or biochemist. Not once I guarantee you do any of us stand imagining getting a phone call that our baby has been shot! No longer! Life has done, over no more! Men and women who do think that thought prevents pregnancy and childbirth, to begin with. Who genuinely plans for their new baby to go to school and possibly never return home? Or who genuinely plans to send their baby out to be with their friends only to never return? Tell me that’s what you imagined and I promise you that you are definitely one of the few people who had enough foresight to prevent bringing an innocent child into this chaotic rapidly degrading society. I want my guys to grow up and I want to do as much as I possibly can to make sure other parents get a chance to do the same. 

There has got to be a better way.! Why can’t we create a more strict and extensive process for purchasing a gun? Murder has become an epidemic in the U.S.. My daughter recently returned to the states from living abroad in Germany for almost 2 yrs. To purchase a gun in Germany is a 5 yr process. We have the technology to make smart appliances, computers, and ID badges that require either your fingerprint or Face ID to access them yet guns are still being made that anyone can pull the trigger on! Be for real! This is sheer madness! No life is truly that expendable that you can just allow a whole generation of people to become almost extinct due to the insensitivity and immaturity of the people brandishing the weapons. I for one am absolutely outraged at this entire system. Automatic weapons are a whole different class of artillery. They were created for war. Why are they showing up in the hands of young people with attitudes or untreated mentally unstable people on the streets of nearly every city in the U.S.? Not only are our children unsafe but with this type of weaponry on the streets of gang violence drugs retaliation and the like, even those who swear to serve and protect us become victims’ casualties lives lost families altered. We are now all possible targets walking living just trying to be while somewhere in a home not so far away lies a human predator a killer with no just cause planning plotting and waiting for the day they intend to wreak havoc on an unsuspecting group of innocent people. Stop the madness! Enough is enough! We have got to do something different! I don’t want to hear not one more story of a people gone too soon. 


It’s Been A Long Time


Learn To Love Yourself